Debbue Brownie

There is a million things I want to achieve. I enjoy all the excellent time I have with Trouble and Twinsel. They are all I have and I love most.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

the pink gals Posted by Picasa

the Fashion show

I awake at 9am from Val's Sms !The sweetest moment in the morning.As usual let Khester out to pee and poo. Brush Twinsel as he needs to be on stage.Koko is going to give this a miss as I intended to drop by mei's home to stay for the night.
11am ! I am still on the road to send Fat off to the MRT. I shouldnt do it but feel alittle bad if I dont do it.Sometimes its kind of boring to take public transport to work and I know it.
Rushed back to get changed as I promised Coffe to give him a lift to United square. He and Mooo moo had some little issues at home and he is supposed to stick moo by his side all days.
Couldnt meet val so I left him a message. He wished me all the best for the show.Which I thought so toge!( ruzzik language)
12.10pm, I AM LATE! sorry coffe....but I really need to dress up alittle as I had a bad night..need to cover alittle of the heavy eye bags.
Gina calls on the way as she couldnt get hold of the keys to the back stage.
BEEP BEEP.............SMS!!!!!
I thought who will want to wish me good for the show. its joey, and after reading the heart sinks...One of the worst day i will be looking forward to.