Debbue Brownie

There is a million things I want to achieve. I enjoy all the excellent time I have with Trouble and Twinsel. They are all I have and I love most.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday evening

Some unpleasant news. Well, its up to her and its her decision. Life still have to go on!

Best of luck my freind! Hope you will find that new patch of greens you always wanted.

3 left us! # to go!


2 huge dobies received me at the factory this morning. They must have smelt Trouble in my car! They do pose a thread to me as no leash is on them nor muzzle. I have to do something.

It was a great holiday for me. Wake up and have that craving again for prawns...and there it is!

This is where I went to do some marketing both for seafood and loads of beef for Trouble..and Twinsel.