Debbue Brownie

There is a million things I want to achieve. I enjoy all the excellent time I have with Trouble and Twinsel. They are all I have and I love most.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My debbie recipe of bacon ham spats! Plus chilli padi of cos to enhance the taste. Not forgetting my garlics and olive oil. In other not to put on those ectra fats, its best to select organic noodles. Plus some vegetables..of cos! Posted by Picasa

Just love these crystal clips..of mine! Korean once and better in quality! Its worth spending this money to collect them.And my new Favour look will be very interesting ...I bet! Posted by Picasa

Hehehe! Half mask on me!Its sunday and have to do it cause the pimples just breaks out.Due to what reason? Hmmmm.........I dont know!But good sign as the oils breaks trougth the skin and surface then to be inside the body! Posted by Picasa